Hi, I’m Craig Bailey and this is my personal blog where I write about technology, business systems, HubSpot and general life experiences. You can read my posts here.

(If you are looking for the Content is King post by Bill Gates it is here)

I’m involved with three agencies in Sydney:

  • The first is XEN Systems. We help government departments and mid-large B2B technology companies with their sales and marketing strategy, including implementation and training in HubSpot 
  • The second is XEN Create. We provide premium graphic design services to companies, with a focus on using the latest AI tools, including Midjourney
  • The third is XEN Solar, where we help high quality solar companies (dealers, installers) with their sales and marketing processes.

I also co-host HubShots, the podcast and YouTube show focussed on getting the most out of HubSpot. We are the creators of the HubShots Framework.

Craig Bailey presenting

Latest stories

True colours


Spend decades being a good person: “Not sure about that person…” Drink too much at the staff Christmas party and say some dumb things (could be racist or sexist or political or religious etc): “Now we see their true colours!” As the saying goes: Reputations take a lifetime to build and an instant to lose. On one hand: We all say dumb things at times On the other:...

So what?


Chatting with Mal last week and he reminded me of the ‘So What?’ test – a good habit to implement when preparing a presentation, article, meeting agenda, proposal, etc. Essentially, just ask yourself ‘So What?’ when you’ve prepared the slide, or paragraph or bullet point. Does it add value to the conversation? If not, why is it there? (Not a new concept, and...

Looking back on the golden days


Remember a few years ago when ranking on Google was easy, buying clicks on Google Ads was cheap, Facebook ads were a bargain, and getting followers on social was just a matter of using the right hashtag? It’s easy to look back on those times and think about what we should have done at the time. What we should have taken advantage of. What we could have achieved. Before it all became so hard...

Detection Dogs


Who knew?

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have specially trained dogs that can sniff out electronic devices, mobile phones, SIM cards and USB sticks.

As well as drugs, currency, explosives and firearms (which you probably already knew).

Only found out about this after reading the latest news about the mushroom murders.

(via a daily email from The Sizzle)

Little signs


Most of the big costs have been cut out of businesses by now: Job cuts Budget cuts Perk cuts (no more free lunches, massages, group activities) Now we’re into the home stretch of little cuts (paper cuts if you will). Next time you visit a company’s office look for: Broken chairs Frayed cords and power adaptors Fruit (and good quality food) replaced with junk food and sugar (cheap)...

HubSpot and Clearbit


HubSpot announced they are acquiring Clearbit.

Makes perfect sense.

And fits in beautifully as part of the CRM puzzle I wrote about here. Ian and I also chatted about it here on our YouTube show.

Really looking forward to this being so seamless.

Here’s the part of the show where Ian and I chat about it (53:55 mark):

Queensland launches digital drivers license app


Great that Queensland Government has launched an app for driver’s licenses. Nice of them to say this “We worked with our counterparts in other Australian states that have digital licences, to ensure we learnt from the way they developed and released their apps. But odd to also say this: “Queensland’s Digital Licence app will set the standard for mobile driver licence apps...

Fighting over scraps


Two thoughts [1] SME definition In Australia, the definition of an SME (or small-medium enterprise) is: 1-200 employees. SMEs: make up 98% of all business produce 33% of total GDP employ 4.7M people are 90% of all goods exporters are 60% of all services exporters The ABS further highlights: approx 200,000 businesses with revenue > $2M close to 100,000 of those have revenue > $5M [2] HubSpot...

Crazy valuations part 734


Always tricky to understand valuations… we’re in a high interest rate period and yet AI startups are (selectively) breaking through and still getting crazy valuations. Recently Perplexity got a half billion valuation, even though current ARR is just $3M (note: revenue, not profit). That’s 150x It’s easy to ridicule, but then I’m reminded of DHH’s...
