Using Formula Fields in HubSpot Custom Reports


Using Formula Fields in HubSpot Custom Reports to group contacts into buckets based on how many Marketing emails they’ve opened.

This is an example of using Formula Fields (currently a Public Beta) in Custom Reports

Here’s the video walkthrough:

There’s other ways to do this (eg using calculated properties, or Operations Hub Enterprise functions) – this example doesn’t use either of those (ie no need for Operations Hub for this particular example).

The key is to use the mod operator (ie %) in the formula field – here’s the formula from this particular example:

([CONTACT.hs_email_open] – ([CONTACT.hs_email_open] % 10))/10

– Limitation: the buckets are all the same size (ie ranges of 10 in the example), they can’t be mixed sizes eg 1-9, 10-49, 50-250, etc
– Limitation: the label on the report axis is just 0, 1, 2, 3, etc – would be nice if they could be tailored
– The mod operator can be used with any number (doesn’t have to be 10), just replace it in both places in the formula

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By Craig Bailey
