
Mike Cannon-Brookes on Imposter Syndrome

I missed this last December – Mike shares his experiences and insights around imposter syndrome. You might assume successful people never feel like frauds. In fact, the opposite is much more likely to be true.The most successful people I know don’t question themselves â€“ but they do question their knowledge. They see asking for advice as a way of testing their...

Ray Dalio on 3 big issues

I enjoy reading what investors have to say about world economics, finance and trends. Ray is a favourite. His latest article on LI is perhaps not as compelling as previous ones, but interesting in its own right. However, that’s not why I’m linking to it. Instead, I find the comments from people even more interesting. So many people, so quick to belittle and dismiss. Nothing new of...

More WeWork

And yes, another link to another WeWork discussion, this time Ben Thompson’s insightful take. Of particular interest (which I haven’t seen highlighted elsewhere), is WeWork’s ability to abandon leases: The company also has another, rather unsavory, advantage in a recession: its opaque corporate structure. While there are many downsides to the fact that the “We Company” is a...

More WeWork lols

Further to my post a few days back, here’s Scott Galloway’s epic WeWork takedown. The last round $47 billion “valuation” is an illusion. SoftBank invested at this valuation with a “pref,” meaning their money is the first money out, limiting the downside. The suckers, idiots, CNBC viewers, great Americans, and people trying to feel young again who buy on the...

WeWork IPO lols

It’s hard to get your head around the We Company train wreck that is heading this way.

Elizabeth Lopatto’s post on The Verge is a masterpiece in shining the light on impending chaos. Kinsey Grant at Morning Brew is a little more restrained, but equally dubious.

Who on earth will be buying shares?

Conspiracy theories

No matter what side you are on (if any) over the Jeffrey Epstein suicide, chances are you didn’t need much convincing – as noted by the New York Times.

An opinion, based on nothing but a headline, is all you need these days. As I lamented recently.

Reusable shopping bags

An observation. When the whole ‘ban the bag’ campaign came into effect in NSW last July I didn’t really give it much thought. A minor nuisance if anything – since we re-used the plastic bags from supermarkets as garbage bags and would no longer have that easy option – but overall not something I really cared about. I was probably cynical if anything – it seemed...

Finding your brand voice

At GROW with HubSpot earlier this week, one of the sessions was by Erik Newcomb from Shopify, talking about strategies for future proofing your brand. Part of his session focussed on the benefit of having a distinct brand voice. An example he highlighted was Naadam – an online fashion brand. Here’s their True Story video: Quirky, funny, compelling. I find this kind of stuff...

Learning SEO

Here’s an article about the best articles about learning SEO.

A link for you Kevin. You’re welcome.
