
VFP and .Net considerations

As you know, we come from a Visual FoxPro development background. And certainly on the desktop side of things we see little reason to change. When it comes to the web, ASP.Net is our choice. I’m not saying it is the best – we just haven’t had time or inclination to compare and contrast all the alternatives – but it serves us well, and so far it seems to be improving in...

Visual FoxPro Devcon

Lucky me – I’m going to Visual FoxPro Devcon at the end of September. This will be big – it is the official launch of VFP9. I’m looking forward to meeting some of the big names in VFP (see the speaker list) but especially ‘The Man’ – Rick Strahl. Down under we all call Rick ‘The Man’ because whoever I talk to – if they were having a VFP/...

Using anchors in VFP9

If yu are using the new anchors and resizing tools in VFP9 then check out Castro’s presentation from SVFPUG last month. There’s a demo form in the zip file, but the real kicker was the tables in his presentation. Trying to work out the number combinations in the VFP9 help file requires a doctorate (OK its still in beta), but Castro’s table makes it simple. Go into the classes...

BizTalk Server 2004 and WSE 2.0

Here’s a quick presentation by Scott Woodgate who I saw at TechEd 2004 a couple of times.

Don’t be put off by the casual chatty intro, after 21 seconds it goes to a demonstration in Visual Studio which is very hands on. Roughly 10 minutes, it explains how to include a WSE 2.0 web service in BizTalk 2004.

SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 – first thoughts

OK, so it takes an eternity to install, and is slow to run (slower than I’d expect for a Beta 2), but this new version is damn hot. I’ve only had a few hours to play with it over the last week, so this is my initial thoughts. Everything is in one place – the SQL Server Management Studio – and it is layed out in a familiar interface. Think Solutions in Visual Studio or...

InfoPath 2003, VS2005

A few notes if you are playing with these:
InfoPath 2003 – make sure you download SP1 (I couldn’t find it on the public site, but MSDN subscribers can get it)

Visual Studio 2005 Beta – you may have been told it is fine to install side by side with VS2003, but be careful: Sharon, in our team, experienced problems with pages that use validator controls. The controls no longer work.
