
Texting while walking is apparently dangerous

Who knew? Incredible finding! In a bizarre study that confirmed the obvious, researchers have confirmed that texting while walking increases your changes of falling. I’m not making this up. As I noted at the time, I’m looking forward to their next study investigating: ‘Whether falling asleep at the wheel increases the chances of a crash’ But jokes aside, there’s...

Language Devices

Remember when conversations with potential suppliers were… conversations. Where they were actually interested in your problem and confirming they were a fit for providing a solution. Ahhh yes, the good old days (of 0% interest). Perhaps it’s because nobody cares about the customer anymore, or perhaps it’s lack of training, but most calls these days aren’t conversations...

The Absence of Flow

I was having dinner with a close friend recently, and confiding how down and unfulfilled I felt at times. It seems that this year has been a grind. He helped me take a step back and review what has changed in my daily routine that could be a contributor. After some probing an insight revealed itself: the move from working in the business, to working on the business, has unintended consequences on...

Midjourney Inspiration

The XEN Create team keep cranking out some of the best Midjourney related content, including all the latest tips, tricks and inspiration.

Make sure you download the free Midjourney Inspiration guide PDF as well (no signup required).

The world is divided into people who think they are right 

Saw this quote while reading a book (from 2003) recently: The world is divided into people who think they are right  I’ve been trying to find the original source, but no luck so far. Perhaps it’s just one of those timeless quips… Here’s the closest I could get: There Are Two Classes of People in the World; Those Who Divide People into Two Classes and Those Who Do Not Quote...

Note-Taking Apps

Interesting perspective from Casey Newton on Platformer regarding his lack of success with note taking apps and approaches. Here’s the quote that most are using: Initially, I threw myself into this kind of associative note-taking. I gathered links around concepts I wanted to explore (the internet enables information to travel too quickly, for example, or social networks and polarization)...

Use ChatGPT to Secure Financial Freedom

I used #chatgpt4 to study the lives of 1000 lottery winners, then summarise the characteristics, daily habits and strategies they used to become millionaires. I’ve compiled the findings into a new, limited edition ebook – grab your copy now for just $39 and join the path of the financially free: Click here to grab your copy (yes, it does link to what you think it will link to)...

Thought Leaders are Now Futurists

With the rush back to in-person events only growing, this video from 2016 is more relevant today than ever:

Perhaps the only change is that they’ve changed their descriptions from being ‘thought leaders’ to being ‘futurists’.

(From my post at the time)

Alex Hormozi Leads Course

If you’re an Alex Hormozi fan then you’ve likely watched (or even attended) his massive book launch last weekend.

In it he launched his new book: $100M Leads as well as a massive free course covering everything to do with lead generation. It’s well worth watching.

Start with his book launch recap.

They Ask, You Answer Summit APAC

My friends Moby, Tasha and Linda at Red Pandas are hosting the They Ask, You Answer Summit in Australia on 31 October 2023.

Marcus Sheridan will be flying down to be one of the speakers. Don’t miss this.

We’ve already booked our tickets. HubShots listeners can get a 50% discount on ticket prices by using code: hubshots
