VFP: How to start blogging


At OzFox Lite I encouraged people to start blogging (especially the speakers… why present to just 50 people when you could be presenting to hundreds all around the world?). I figure the more people blogging about Fox the better.
And in response I’ve had a number of people ask how they can start blogging. So, here are two easy options to get started blogging asap… (both are free)
1. Blogger
I personally use Blogger. Go to www.blogger.com and click on the ‘Create your blog now’ button. Blogger will guide you through the rest. At the end it will tell you the URL for your blog. You can start blogging immediately. 
2. Foxite
This is a blogging site specifically setup for the FoxPro community. Go to http://weblogs.foxite.com/user/CreateUser.aspx and create your account. The administrator will send you notification when your account is ready.
Both options are good, and whilst Blogger has more flexibility in site design, Foxite has the advantage of new bloggers appearing in the list instantly (in contrast if you blog on Blogger it might be a while before you are found by other Fox developers…) 
How to add blog entries
Both sites allow easy adding of posts via their web site. However if you blog a lot this will become tedious.
I use Qumana for adding blog entries as it supports Blogger (btw I am using – I have not used the beta of 3.0 yet), I don’t think it supports Foxite (but someone may correct me on this).
What to blog about?
Blog about anything Fox related, even (as Andrew Coates suggested) if it is just a snippet of code you post because you want an easy way of finding it again!
Once you’ve added your blog, email me or leave a comment here so I can get you in my list.


By Craig Bailey
