VFP: Dick Cheney pulls out of OzFox


In a shock announcement, Dick Cheney has pulled out of attending OzFox this weekend.

Cheney, a passionate Visual FoxPro supporter, had hoped to attend the OzFox conference, but after being greeted with protesters and abuse upon his arrival to Sydney, the US Vice-President decided it would be inappropriate to attend, and instead cut short his visit (now leaving on Sunday).

In a statement released earlier today, the former database programmer and part-time politician expressed his disappointment about not being able to attend the conference. Citing the unexpected negative response he received from Sydney as ‘a concern’, he felt it would be ‘detrimental to the conference if his name were in anyway associated with it’.

OzFox organisers were unavailable for comment, except to confirm there was now one extra place available at the conference should any last minute registrant be interested.

The conference starts this Sunday at 12:30.

Register here.

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By Craig Bailey
