SBTUG: Web 2.0 and Connected systems this Wed 27 June 2007


This Wednesday at Sydney Business & Technology User Group (SBTUG) we have two excellent sessions lined up.

The first (Business) has Steven Ringo talking about all things Web 2.0, explaining the different offerings, but most importantly outlining how they can be useful to your business.

The second (Technology) is an overview of Connected Systems by Scott Scovell. This won’t be so much HOW to do stuff, but more focussed on answering the WHY questions. Why do need to know about Connected Systems, Why do they matter, Why are they so important etc. So, if you’ve been wondering about BizTalk, WCF, WF, CardSpace and where they all fit into the scheme of things, then this talk is just what you need.

More details available here:

Don’t miss it:

Wed 27 June 2007 @ Microsoft HQ, North Ryde.

We’ll be starting with Pizza at 6:30pm and the first session will start at 6:45pm sharp.

I promise to be vigilant on the schedule for the evening – we’ll be finishing up around 8:30pm (I realise last time I didn’t control time that well :-)

Please sign up on the site to receive email reminders.


Also, check out the sessions coming up later in the year:

And a reminder that you can help shape the user group by filling out our quick (60 sec) survey:

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