Live Mesh update on hold, Quality in focus


Live MeshI think it’s interesting that the Live Mesh team decided to put their upcoming release on hold (as announced at the start of this month). Here’s their reasoning:

UPDATE: In the world of services, we have blackout periods where no updates are allowed. This is to ensure stability during, e.g., the holiday season when use of a product goes up and the availability of employees to fix issues goes down. The Live Mesh team entered this blackout period before the final testing of our next Live Mesh client for Windows was completed. Thus, we’re holding this update until after the holidays – look for more news in early January. (Source: Live Mesh blog)

It’s difficult to disagree with this decision, and is indicative of the general attitude at Microsoft of late. There seems to be a much higher priority being placed on quality, than there is on just getting updates out. This is surely a good thing.

It continues on with the ASP.NET MVC team, with Phil Haack reporting on Friday that they aren’t going to get the previously hoped for Release Candidate out this year. Why? Because it isn’t ready. For the interim we have to make do with Scott’s post about some of the new bits (in his typical brief form :-).

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By Craig Bailey
