Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic technologies for 2008


Interesting to read what Computerworld thinks Gartner thinks are the top 10 strategic technologies for 2008. The usual woffle abounds with Green IT and 'the Web platform'  (I kid you not) getting trotted out. And look out for number 10 – Social software – my goodness they are prescient.

The problem with these kinds of reports, is firstly, this is Computerworld's take on a report that the rest of us don't have access to (at least not easily, just try searching for it on Gartner's site – good luck finding it) and thus it has probably been jotted off by some time-poor pseudo tech journalist trying to meet a deadline, and having little understanding for what is actually going on in the tech world. But secondly, we are at a loss to know how Gartner came up with these 'strategic technologies' in the first place. Whilst some parade as little more than common sense, others (eg Real World Web) are just inane cobbling together of ideas over a beer. Great to have, sure, but hardly a top 10 strategic technology for the new year.

For me, hearing the thoughts of a real thinker were much more useful.

I was relieved to see the comments against the post on the Computerworld site were similarly targeted.

Technorati Tags: Strategic technologies

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By Craig
