CategoryGeneral Tech

I met Rick Strahl

I’ve just returned from the Devcon opening keynote, and what a great keynote it was. 2.5 hours jam packed with demos, features and anecdotes.
Afterwards I met Lisa Slater Nicholls and Colin Nicholls, then David Stevenson, Ken Levy, Doug Hennig and to finish the night, The Man himself: Rick Strahl. Oh man, so many VFP heroes in one place. How will I sleep?

Sydney VFP User Group webcast

A big thank you to Andrew Coates for coordinating the user group webcast and to Paul, Craig and Castro for presenting. Details of how the event went are here:
See also the UG site at for next month’s details.

Sauce Reader

I’ve just stated playing with Sauce Reader –  a very nice blog reader, and free for personal use.

Checking your Managed Funds performance with VFP

Checking your Managed Funds performance with VFP If you like to keep track of how your managed funds are performing you’ve probably used one of the many web sites such as ninemsn to get the latest prices and performance. There’s a stack of them out there, but I find the ninemsn site pretty easy to use. Invariably they all make a call to either Morningstar, Assirt or Van Eyk and you...

Axis of Deceit by Andrew Wilkie

I don’t normally mention books I’ve read (the last time I did was The Rule of Four I think) but this one is worth noting. Its called Axis of Deceit by Andrew Wilkie, a senior intelligence analyst, and it covers what was really known in the lead up to the Iraq war. I’ll reserve stating my current position, as I’ve only read one side of the story, but with an election only...

34 today

So I’m 34 today. Am I feeling older? Wiser? More confident and mature? Who cares? Just tell us what presents you got! Well, my wife has excelled herself this year. First up she gives me the new Alter Bridge album (think Creed with a new singer). Now, after checking the web these guys are huge in the US. But down here… never heard of ’em. Usual story – it takes 3 month for...
