ArchiveDecember 2007

World of Warcraft AddOn Studio

Who have thought? An AddOn studio for WoW. Its up on CodePlex. Amazing.
(via Dan Fernandez)
Technorati Tags: World of Warcraft, Dan Fernandez

TFS dog fooding and memory issue admissions

It's always good to see a company use their own product, and when it comes to TFS Microsoft has really excelled. Brian Harry details the current stats, including 300,000 work items across 148 million files. Especially impressive (to me) is how transparent the company is – they detail the memory management issues they are having due to the server cache of over 5 million files putting a...

VSTO Outlook Development – Redemption

Dmitrv Streblechenko has a number of great tools for programming Outlook, including OutlookSpy and Outlook Redemption.
Technorati Tags: OutlookSpy, Outlook Redemption, Dmitry Streblechenko

FACEBOOK: Is no more

Brace yourselves kiddies, because the rash of lame link-bait post titles like the one above has started. For those not on Facebook, this will be meaningless, but for those who are, then you’ll have noticed that the mandatory ‘is’ from the status updates was removed* earlier this week. Yay! No more having to use ‘is’ on all your updates. We can rest easy now. INSERT...

The Nokia Scrum test

Joe Little's post about the Nokia scrum Test is interesting. His comments on keeping it simple are valid too. My only comment: Find me a company that manages to stop Project Managers disrupting the flow (his last bullet point in the second list), and you've found yourself a rare (and wonderful) environment. I suspect real world occurrences of this are scarce. Technorati Tags: Agile...

Microsoft’s Infrastructure Optimisation Assessment Tool

Ready for a chuckle? Try this new, comprehensive assessment tool for analysing your infrastructure. The gruelling, incisive, no-stone-unturned assessment (all 9 multiple choice questions of it) gives a totally bogus indication of your company's infrastructure state. Looks like someone on work experience came up with the 9 questions, but a whole team from marketing then present the in depth...

SharePoint SP1 coming soon

SharePoint SP1 is coming soon (ie any day, month or quarter now :-). There's a list of some of the stuff coming in the Service Pack here.Note: by SharePoint we mean both WSS and MOSS. AJAX support is a pretty big enhancement.
Technorati Tags: SharePoint SP1

Office 2007 SP1 coming soon

Looks like Microsoft is getting stuff out the door on time these days. The latest to be announced (well, rumoured) is Office 2007 SP1. The word on the street is that the SP1 will include a new feature to get rid of the ribbon interface (joke).
(Via Mary Jo)
Technorati Tags: Office 2007 SP1

.Net roadmap

A nice summary from Scott Guthrie about where ASP.NET, Silverlight and IIS7 are heading. I'm continually stunned at how productive Scott's team are – they seem to be pumping out new (and useful) stuff all the time.
Technorati Tags: .NET roadmap, Silverlight
