ArchiveDecember 2007

Microsoft CRM 4.0 goes RTM

Microsoft has announced that CRM 4.0 is now being shipped. The met their Q4 promise, but the release parties don't start until March – what's up with that? Just shows how much work goes into a release party these days I guess.
(via Mary Jo)
Technorati Tags: Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft CRM

Yahoo Maps replaces Flex 1.5 with AJAX

A surprising move in some ways, but interesting because it may have been more political than technical. I don't know the details, and I don't what the best technical solution for Yahoo is in this case; but I do know that 'the best tool for the job' is often ignored – I've seen it plenty of times. Yahoo maps is here.
Technorati Tags: Yahoo maps, AJAX, Flex


Why? Because it's handy.
Technorati Tags: urlTea

Google Knol

What's interesting about Knol (screenshot here), is not the concept (good to see Google playing catchup for a change), but the concerns being raised. A step to far? What are you talking about – they've got a long way to go yet I'm sure. And please don't give me that don't be evil = 51% righteous line…
Technorati Tags: Google Knol

Amazon SimpleDB

Amazon has unveiled yet another really cool web offering, this time their SimpleDB web service. As many have observed already the beauty is not in the functionality (it is very simple after all – how did they come up with that name?) but the scalability. And cost. So cheap. As Dave notes, much venture capital raising these days is simply to cater for advanced infrastructure. The rules are...
