VFP: Ctl32 status bar on SednaX


Just loving the ctl32 status bar and progress bar from Carlos Alloatti on SednaX.
Go to SednaX and then downloads (you need to be a member to download).
Carlos has a great set of documentation available here.

Here’s a few screenshots (click to enlarge) of one of our applications with the status bar implemented.
The first shows a simple update of the status bar with search results, along with an icon.

The second shows the progress bar in the status bar. Displaying the progress bar is a single line of code, and then another line of code for the percentage to display.

Great job Carlos.

As Carlos commented, this is just one more way that we are making VFP cool.

UPDATE: The toolbars are from ARG Software Design Labs

UPDATE: Carlos Alloatti’s site is available here: ctl32.com.ar

