• The problem is that, while minor, it reminds me a lot of the DotNet stuff. Remember a few years back when all they did was add “.Net” to all of their product names and then had to take them back off again?

    Since the new presentation format is really geared towards Vista, why wouldn’t they call it that?

    It smarts of DLL hell again to me (as I noted on my original post) – something that we were promised we wouldn’t go back to.

  • The problem is that, while minor, it reminds me a lot of the DotNet stuff. Remember a few years back when all they did was add “.Net” to all of their product names and then had to take them back off again?Since the new presentation format is really geared towards Vista, why wouldn’t they call it that?It smarts of DLL hell again to me (as I noted on my original post) – something that we were promised we wouldn’t go back to.

By Craig Bailey
