ArchiveMay 2008

SECURITY: BlogEngine.NET Security update

In case you are running your site on BlogEngine.NET and missed it, a security patch was released in mid-April. Al Nyveldt notes it here, and the official announcement from the team is here. In order to be safe you need to be running (or later). It is important you upgrade asap. As per the request from the team I won't go into details of what the issue is, however it is easy to find if...

ASP.NET Wake up call from Mads

Mads Kristensen (creator of the most excellent BlogEngine.NET) has put the call out to Wake up ASP.NET developers. Whether you agree with him or not, his post is an important read, if for no other reason than to use the list of fun-fact links at the end. The following quote will give you a taste: You’re participating in the stagnation of the World Wide Web and you hold the human race...

Microsoft. Yahoo. Google. Gillmor Gang

If you have any interest in the Yahoo – Microsoft saga (that is far from finished btw) then I recommend listening to this Gillmor Gang Emergency edition. The first 10 minutes are annoying as they get themselves organised (and should have been edited out) and the last 5 minutes is a bit of a ‘he said, she said’ distraction, but the rest is a fast paced insight into the deal. The...
