ArchiveFebruary 2007

PERSONAL: Final car joy

One of the ‘great’ things about having a blog is that some people actually read it! Now, as background to this post, you need to know that I had a few car parking (mis)adventures when over in Minnesota. Click here for the details. So, when I returned to Sydney I thought all that was behind me. But here’s what greeted me when I went down to the work car park after my first day...

PERSONAL: New York photos

Finally got around to posting some of our New York photos.

We were lucky enough to get 5 days in New York, just before Christmas. What a wonderful city. And as I mentiloned at the time, very safe.

VFP: FoxPro resources

Here’s a link to my FoxPro Top Tens presentation from last Wednesday at the Sydney VFP User Group: Basically, my hope would be that none of these links are new, rather they are just a recap of some of the great FoxPro resources available. But, there may be a new link or two for you (eg did you know that Rick Strahl has two blogs, one VFP based the other more .Net based?) A word on how I...
