ArchiveFebruary 2006

VFP: FoxPro Conferences

Thanks to Craig Boyd for summarising the FoxPro conferences this year (and I note Milind has done likewise here). Note that in the comments on Craig Boyd’s post there is a pointer to the Brazilian conference coming in the ‘1st Semeter of 2006’.  [As an aside, it would be nice if we could pick up comments via RSS as updates to a post – perhaps this is something...

VFP: Tiobe index again

You’ve probably seen the TIOBE index mentioned again in the chatter on UT. VFP is up to 16 now.Whilst this is encouraging I’d have to say that having Visual FoxPro above VB.Net (it is at 19) doesn’t sound right to me. Not that I want to sound negative, rather just brace yourself in case Tiobe reviews their index calc in coming months.The interesting thing for me in the index was...

PERSONAL: Forced holidays

I’m having a break for a week. This is one of my ‘forced’ holidays. Basically I have a habit of overdoing it workwise and then falling over with burnout. Not that I’m a workaholic or anything, rather I just don’t get any internal warning when I am about to crash. So, I decided this year to schedule in a week of forced holiday every 3 months, even if I didn’t...
