ArchiveMarch 2010

Location, Search and Google’s Patent

Google’s patent awarded last week for using location in advertising is interesting news (patent details here via VentureBeat). Not because of the dramatic effect (dun, dun, dah) it might have on the industry . No, the key point here is they submitted the patent for consideration back in September 2003. This is significant because it shows the foresight Google has. Sure, the concept of location...

Video Ezy Chatswood

Just wanted to give a shout out to our local DVD store: Chatswood Video Ezy (link to store). They’re just down on the corner of Victoria Avenue and Neridah Street near Chatswood Chase. Why this post? Well, two reasons. The first is mentioned in my disclaimer at the bottom, but the second – and most important – is because we want more people to patronise them. We’ve been happy customers...
