ArchiveAugust 2008

That useless Windows Shutdown dialog

Rick Strahl explains how to get rid of the Windows Server Shutdown Event Tracker dialog – you know, the annoying one that asks you to put in a reason every time you reboot. I have to admit I had no idea you could even get rid of it (but then again I never looked). One of the comments on the post gives a good case for why you’d want to leave it on, but for most of us (especially home users)...

Windows Live Tools for Visual Studio 2008

At Wednesday’s SBTUG James McCutcheon gave us a quick rundown on the latest CTP3 of the Windows Live Controls (download here). Neil Roodyn and Nick Randolph have each put together quick videos on a few of the controls – Silverlight Streaming in Neil’s case and Virtual Earth in Nick’s. The videos are short (approx 10 mins give or take), clear and interesting – worth a look. Neil, Nick...

AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft v2 Beta

Last December I thought the idea of an AddOn Studio for WoW was amazing. And if you missed the Ken Levy interview about VSX on .Net Rocks then make sure you give that a listen – he goes in to a few details about it. What’s this got to do with VSX? The main thing is that the Wow AddOn Studio is its own standalone IDE built with VSX (here’s a brief overview of VSX if you’re interested)...

Uses for Live Mesh

I think I’m finally starting to get my head around Live Mesh. I have to admit to being under-whelmed at first (although in my defence I do think it was massively over-hyped when released), but articles like this one from ReadWriteWeb help clear things up. Sometimes the grand picture is hard to relate to, which is why having simple little Mesh scenarios like these can help. After reading each...
