ArchiveFebruary 2008

COFFEE: Caffeine linked to miscarriage

Summary: Several studies have shown that consumption of caffeine (equivalent to 1 cup of coffee) is associated with a twofold increase in miscarriage. Possible good news: The studies may have been skewed by women with healthy pregnancies reducing their caffeine intake due to morning sickness. New Scientist reports this in the 26 January 2008 edition (p19 bottom right). One study interviewed 1063...

Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44B

TechCrunch reports that Microsoft has offered to buy Yahoo for $44.6B.
The most interesting thing for me: a guy at work told me this last week (and named the $ figure correctly). Being the well informed chap I am :-) I told him he was mistaken. Come Monday, after apologising to him for my lack of faith, I'll be wanting to know how he knew…
Technorati Tags: Microsoft, Yahoo, Pocket money
