VFP: FoxShow #37 – Rod Miller interview


A great show from Andrew MacNeill with an interview of Rod Miller from dbi-Tech.
There are a couple of points that grabbed my attention:
1. dbi-Tech are not after a quick bit of marketing, and Rod is no dummy. He is obviously  a considered businessman, so a decision to embrace the VFP community (or to continue to) is not to be dismissed as some off-hand thing – they have sensed the building interest in VFP and are taking it seriously.
2. Rod notes in the show how the sales of VFP 9 have outstripped VFP8 already – ie sales are increasing markedly (he refers, for example, to a 3rd party reseller in the US who has seen a 40% increase in sales).
3. And there is an announcement from dbi-Tech in the show (which I won’t spoil)…
This is just further evidence of the surge that VFP is experiencing. Like Andrew, I liked wOOdy’s comments over at Tucows, and agree that many VB devs are now turning to VFP as a viable alternative. And with the .Net interop and Office 12 support coming in Sedna it is easy to see why VFP appeals.
Download the show here
Incidently, Andrew ‘apologizes’ for having not podcast for 2.5 months – yikes, if Scott and I could get a show together that often we’d be very happy. We know how much work goes into a show Andrew, so thanks for your continued efforts. 37 shows and counting – awesome work!

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By Craig Bailey
