Bing Webmaster Blog


Bing Webmaster CenterIt’s good to see the Bing Webmaster Center Blog picking up. I’ve been following Rick DeJarnette’s posts more closely lately – he’s putting out some good stuff. I thought it worth highlighting a few examples:

It’s not all good though – try to avoid any posts that refer to ‘discussions’ on the Bing forums – there’s so much bad advice and busy work getting pumped out there it’s not funny (example).

Oh, and be careful not to confuse the Webmaster Blog with the more general Bing Community Blog of which the Webmaster Center Blog is just a part. The general blog is swamped lots of noise – mostly travel related tosh. No, make sure you just stick to Rick’s posts (RSS here).

Finding decent SEO and SEM related resources is getting harder and harder these days – simply because the good stuff gets lost in amongst all the regurgitated and out of date stuff (of which there is plenty). So,if you are interested in some reputable SEO resources you might want to browse my SEO Resources page – I try to keep it as minimal as possible (eg of the hundreds of SEO related blogs I regularly read I’ve only listed 4 – if you’re new to SEO they’re the ones to read).

Oh, and finally, I’m sure the irony of the Bing Webmaster Center blog’s complete lack of SEO isn’t lost on Rick – even though they were explaining the importance of unique title tags back in July 2009, you’ll notice that they haven’t implemented it themselves – every post has the same Title (and meta description)! Even Bill Gates got that sorted (after a little advice from Danny Sullivan <- recommended reading btw).


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