ArchiveJune 2014

When Serious Issues are Co-opted for Marketing

It’s interesting to see how Verizon (a US telco*) have picked on a topical (and worthy) issue and co-opted it for their own marketing**. And gets positive press about it from the likes of HuffPo. A little while ago I would have been really cynical about these kinds of ads that basically take ‘serious issue’ topics and manipulate them into feel good, positive-by-association...

Precious Way by The Machinations

Back in the early 80s when I was just finding my way as a struggling teenager The Machinations were a fave. Imagine my disbelief and surprise, when I found out just last night that the song is not actually called Precious Way and is in fact Pressure Sway. And to further destroy any self-belief I had about knowing 80s music I also learned that they are just Machinations – there’s no...
