ArchiveAugust 2013

Microsoft, Community Engagement and Being an Underdog

Here’s a good example of what Microsoft should be doing more of – constructively engaging with the ‘haters’ on a prominent The Verge post about the recent Bing for Schools initiative. Watch and learn from Matt Wallaert as he skilfully changes the whole tone of the comment stream from what could have turned into the usual MS hate-fest. Read the story, and then read the...

The Junk Food Remedy

I’ve mentioned this previously elsewhere, but thought I’d note it here because it seems to work :-) Back at the start of July I could feel I was coming down with a cold. Normally at that point I’d be dosing up on the Vitamin C, echinacea, garlic and trying to eat super healthy. But on this occassion I decided to try my new ‘junk food remedy’. It basically amounts to...

Surprising Google Search ‘card’ error

It’s strange to see Google’s card results being so out of date. As I mentioned on Twitter the other day, here’s an example of a search on the term ‘austrade ceo’. The current Austrade CEO Bruce Gosper has been at the helm since February 2013. And yet, Google shows this ‘card’ for Peter Grey (who retired in November 2012). What’s even stranger though...
